Tuesday, December 2, 2008

woah, where was I when this happened?

So, my extended family just discovered the Internet, I guess. They all just got myspace and facebook, and they send me chain emails all the time now. I don't know who told them about the Internet, but I'll have to find out-----so that I can thank that person properly. Anyway, it gives me a chance to keep up with some of the weirder people that I'm related to, which is generally pretty funny. They've been passing along one of those "answer these 20 questions!" emails to each other for about a week, and, I have to say, what I've found out about them is troubling.

() Gone on a blind date
(x) Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
() Been on a plane
(X) Been lost
() Been on the opposite side of the country

() Gone on a blind date
(x) Watched someone die
() Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country

(x ) Gone on a blind date
( x ) Watched someone die
( X) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
( ) Been to Florida
(X ) Been on a plane
( X ) Been lost
( x) Been on the opposite side of the country

( ) Gone on a blind date
(x) Watched someone die
(X) Been to Canada
(x ) Been to Mexico
(x ) Been to Florida
(X ) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country

What's the one thing we all have in common? Wait, seriously? You've ALL watched someone DIE? What did I miss? What kinds of stuff did you guys all go out and do before I was born?

25. Favorite smell? newborn babies

I give up.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

nope; they've all watched someone die AND been lost.. All of 'em! and I think that is far more interesting... haha